Ayurvedic Massage


Specialized hot oil full-body treatment favouring muscle and nervous system relaxation, lymphatic and arterial stimulation. 

60 min: $155 (tax incl)

90 min: $180 (tax incl)

120 min: 250$ (tax incl)


Head, neck and facial marma massage; followed by sinus, mucus, head lymph treatment using steam and natural herbal nasal decoction. Great for sinus sufferers. (Light use of herbed oil on face, head, neck, shoulders).

60 min: $165 (tax incl)



Vigorous deep tissue treatment favouring toxin elimination, vital energy (prana) and marma (meridian) stimulation. Suggested for issues related to lethargy, fatigue, mental/physical tension, muscle stiffness, circulatory issues, and to stimulate lymphatic system (personalized hot oil used sparingly).

60 min: $155 (tax incl)

90 min: $180 (tax incl)

120 min: 250$ (tax incl)



Warm and consistent flow of herb-infused tri-doshic oil on forehead. Therapeutic treatment to relieve issues of fear, anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, nervous disorders, and migraines through natural serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin release. A reinvigorating mind/body rejuvenation and relaxation treatment.

60 min / $190 (tax incl)

Duo:Abhyanga(60min)+  Shirodhara(45min): 250$ (tax incl)


Marma Balancing & Rejuvenation Therapy

Using Marma (vital energy points) to stimulate and tone organ systems, increase circulation, decrease tension and aid in detoxification. For issues related to physical-mental-emotional fatigue, adrenal and kidney depletion.

60 min: 150$ (tax incl)

90 min: 180$ (tax incl)



(Raw silk glove massage)

A form of exfoliation using raw silk gloves to increase circulation, blood flow, while nourishing and stimulating  the flow of waste-removing tissues (Srotas).  By vigorously massaging the body and creating heat and static electricity, the effect is to ionize and alkalize the blood. This therapy is known to relieve conditions such as headaches, stiffness and muscle aches, neuralgia, fatigue, blood circulation and gastrointestinal function.

60 min : $155 (tax incl)

90 min : 180$ (tax incl)

Book a massage

*Member of RMQ (Regroupement des massothérapeutes du Québec). Receipts for insurance purposes available upon request

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NDG Health Clinic / Clinique de santé NDG – 3792 boul. Décarie, suite 2, Montreal, QC